Sunday, July 4, 2010

Japan Fashion Week

Japanese fashion industry has long been caught between the popularity of Western fashion design houses and a flood of cheap products from Asian countries. So, although the Japanese fashion designers have a place in the country, but the obsession of penetrating foreign markets remains difficult ideals embodied many designers there.
Senior designer who triumphed on the international stage such as Issey Miyake and Yohji Yamamoto is a rare success that is hard to follow the next generation of Japanese designers.
To realize the obsession with the world market through Tokyo at the same time makes an important point of the international fashion industry, Japan Fashion Week (JFW), which was held October 31 to November 9 and at the Meiji Memorial Picture Gallery in Aoyama, designed to become the motor of the Japanese fashion industry.
The sidewalks along Aoyama and Omotesando who became famous locations such as Christian Dior boutique, Gucci and Prada filled JFW banners. During 10 days, 53 designers held their work, 35 young designers to make the exhibition in collaboration with the textile company, fashion industry symposium took place, Groove A campaign to increase the love of the product in the country, until the color trends seminar Asia.
JFW designed to build a synergy of all relevant sectors, the textile industry in the upstream to downstream designers. Japanese fashion world actually very dynamic character of the community thanks to a big city like Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto, which is very conscious mode, but so far every self-employed sector and collaboration previously unthinkable.
Gentaro Noda, designer menswear "Iliad" tells, since 2004 he prepared the direct promotion of his work in Paris or Milan. "But when the committee contacted to participate and ensure JFW will present potential buyers from outside, I'm all out with the fall collection. The result is unexpected, I got six buyers from London, Hong Kong, and Paris. Now I am concentrating on JFW spring of next year, "said Noda, a graduate of St. Martin's Fashion School, London.
Government supported
JFW is a project that fully supported the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan. Collaboration between designers and textile producers have for months because the designers involved from the beginning of production in textile factories.
Character design is most prominent in JFW among other skills-match fuse unique print-patterned material with complicated sewing techniques. In some designs, colors typical of Asia, such as red and green light appears in the form of a variety of inspiration, like the work of Misako Kato and Toru Hayashi labeled "Zin Kato / Cup".
According to the Japanese fashion observer, Martin Webb, the Japanese designer of many who attended the European fashion. Japanese original design knowledge combined with Western fashion techniques become extraordinary capital. Only, they were less promotional.
"We see the emergence of the designer Issey Miyake's caliber, but such success was not created through the strategy from the inside. JFW is a good beginning to start the synergy between the designer and the textile industry. Unfortunately, why this new kind of synergy happening after 20 years this industry stagnant? "
Perhaps the wise words, better late than not act at all is an accurate picture of JFW. As said Chairman of the Council of Fashion Strategy of Japan, Akira Baba, JFW is a starting point for realizing Tokyo becomes the world's fashion mecca.

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